Guard Your Girl Against “Tricky People” Online

…she might experience. Pray for the Lord’s wisdom and courage to craft a family culture that protects against “Tricky People” accessing your girl online or in person. These mindful steps…

Virtual Troop Tips

…Google Hangouts, Slack, Wire, and Microsoft Teams. These platforms offer your Troop a virtual room to host meetings. You might even consider gathering for a virtual dance party, worship session,…


AHG celebrates 25th Anniversary Year.

Creating a Confession Culture at Home

…their parents for fear of judgment. It should come as no surprise that parents who build a loving home environment that celebrates honesty are able to more easily connect with…

To Combat Potential Vision Problems, Encourage More Outdoor Time

…two hours outside today as a family and watch your kids enjoy the sights of God’s creation. Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay:…