Biblical Alignment and Culture Rarely go Hand-in-Hand

…your girl about faithfulness to the Bible. Post them around the house and make it your Christian Family Declaration! Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay:…


American Heritage Girls offers several opportunities and Christian events for members to come together to learn, dream, worship, network, and complete service initiatives with each other. AHGinspire National Leadership Conference…

Thriving Not Surviving is the Ultimate Goal

…us thrive. Read John 16:16 with your girl and make a bucket list of ways to thrive this year! Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay:…

Be Content in Christ, Avoid Destination Disease

…causes a person to always search for happiness somewhere in the future. When I make first chair in band, when I get my driver’s license, when I graduate valedictorian…then I’ll…