You Are Not Enough…But Christ Is!

…the way you are”, consider a Godly perspective. Does He want you to come to Him as you are? YES! His love is open to all, and good works can’t…

Who Does Your Daughter Follow on Social Media?

examining the accounts we follow online. In the midst of slime tutorials, makeup artists, and ASMR accounts, is your girl seeing images and hearing the voices of people of various…

Creating a Confession Culture at Home

…their kids. The first step in creating this “confession culture” in your home is creating an open line of communication with your daughter. Tell her that she can talk to…

The Secret to Raising a Trustworthy Daughter

…be known or brought out into the open.” Reinforce trustworthiness by teaching her character-development words like honesty, purity, and responsibility. Ask her what these words mean to her and consistently…

Church Alliances

…from the PCA Church known as “Staff Recommendation.” This recommendation comes from the Committee on Discipleship Ministries, Dr. Stephen Estock, Coordinator. Original Free Will Baptist Churches American Heritage Girls and