When an Ad Sparks a Much Deeper Conversation

If your girl is online, whether on social media, video streaming, or search engines, she’s seeing advertisements. So, how do you respond when ads for “reproductive healthcare” or “gender-affirming care”…

Fostering Your Girl’s Lifelong Passions in Childhood

…her passions. Let Him guide you as you help develop her passions to impact the world for Christ. Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay: https://americanheritagegirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Fostering-Her-Passions.wav  …

The Danger of Destination Disease

…causes a person to always search for happiness somewhere in the future. The prime symptom of destination disease is discontentment. Those infected by it postpone joy until some distant occasion…