How much of your girl’s theology—what she thinks about God—comes through music? Whether she listens to the radio, an online streaming service, or her own playlist, what goes into her ears goes into her heart. So how do you, as a parent, ensure that this is a Kingdom-focused listening?
There are three approaches: an open gate—letting it all rush in, a half-open gate—secular music with parental guidance and honest conversation alongside gospel-centered music, and a Kingdom-only gate—only gospel-centered and no secular music.
Whichever approach you take, choose it—intentionally. Keep an ongoing conversation about what she’s hearing and what it means. Ask her how the music she’s listening to helps her to see God and the world.
As she moves through the age stages, you can make this malleable, with older girls more able to handle complicated content. But in all approaches, know that her heart is a sponge—so Kingdom-focused content should be daily, similar to her time in the Word.
Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay: