“Those Christians talk funny!” Have you heard anyone say this who wasn’t raised in church or is new to the faith? The truth is—we do talk funny! Oftentimes, you will hear Christianese words like “disciple” or “Sabbath”—words that are not used in ANY other worldly context. Is Christianese a good thing or a bad thing?
If we are using those words without explanation to unbelievers or new Christians, that can be othering, keeping them on the outside. But since many Christianese words have a Biblical root, then it would naturally be part of how we speak and live as Christ-followers. In that sense, this is a good thing!
As you lead your girl, teach her what common Christian terms mean so she can know AND effectively spread the Gospel to those around her.
Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay: