Since the 1950s, credit cards have grown as a normal method of payment in our world. Convenience, cashback rewards, point systems, and status blanket a consumer’s landscape. But nowadays, the online click-based transactions have revolutionized human purchasing behavior once more. How are you training your girl to relate to money?
A swipe here and a click there—and then, POOF!—it’s gone. Money isn’t the root of all evil—the love of money is the issue. When self-control wanes, it’s time to rethink the habits. Stewarding God’s provision well is paramount for your girl’s financial well-being as an adult.
A contented heart guided by self-control is not in danger of wasteful spending. When your girl understands her tendencies, she’s best able to use her God-given resources wisely.
Hebrews 13:5
Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay: