Have you heard the adage “swimming upstream”? Salmon have a biological urgency in the late summer months to swim against a river’s current. Have you seen something similar in your girl? Perhaps she “marches to the beat of her own drum” or tends to go “up the down staircase.” As you behold the quirkiness you love about her, consider the benefit of this resilience when used for Kingdom impact.
When Christians are driven by the gospel, nothing—literally nothing—can stop them! Peer pressure, cancel culture, even natural disasters—your girl is a fearless force for God when she shines God’s love to the world around her.
Find a beautiful print—or make your own—of Romans 8: 34-39 and put it in your girl’s room. Then cheer her on to Jesus!
Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay: