In today’s age of smartphone technology, even toddlers know how to swipe a screen to make something disappear. Archiving text messages, closing out active apps, or even young adults eliminating certain people on dating apps—to swipe left equates to rejection in our modern world.
If your girl is accustomed to swiping left in decluttering a smartphone screen, is she also prone to do the same with relationships that she is no longer interested in? How quickly the young mind connects the small technology action to real-life canceling people.
Ephesians says to “bear with one another in love” not to throw away people we don’t like. Proverbs 17:17 says “a friend loves at all times.” Guide your girl in wisdom to stay connected with difficult friends, even when the relationship loses its fun.
Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay: