If you’re a family of three, then your girl knows the joys and difficulties of being an only child. Having both parents’ undivided attention is something she likely loves. Longing for siblings might have also come up when addressing her loneliness. How can you balance the only-child experience for her?
Teaching her to be in community can address potential tendencies to seek self as well as desiring trusted kinship. Activities like team sports, being involved in an American Heritage Girls Troop, and cultivating high quality friendships are key for your girl to thrive.
Similarly, Jesus is described as God’s “only begotten Son” AND He kept himself in a healthy balance of community—closeness with the disciples, serving and teaching those who came to Him, and securely binding Himself to God the Father.
John 3:16
Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay: