The self-help content industry garnered a whopping $11.5 billion in 2021 and is projected to profit over $12 billion by 2030. Your girl has probably pulled knowledge from some of the industry’s authors—from tutorials to self-betterment videos and leadership memes and books. Why is the content so alluring for this generation of adolescents?
All people are inherently flawed looking for growth, maturity, and movement toward something greater than ourselves. But what a discouraging journey apart from the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives!
When Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to dwell in a believer’s heart, He had your girl in mind too! Take her to John 14, 15, and 16 to learn more about how secure the Holy Spirit’s presence makes her journey toward Christ’s likeness.
John 14:15-17, ESV
Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay: