In a hyper-tech-connected world, how could loneliness possibly be the infectious disease ailing our girls today? Now more than ever, we have access to—well, the entire planet—through the internet and cell phone technology. Why are so many girls and young women slowly dying of loneliness.
In an 84-year-long study, Harvard researchers found that one single factor predicted overall wellness: healthy, trusting relationships. Turns out, your girl doesn’t need more access to more people through technology. She needs a close-knit community—relationships that feed her longing for belonging. The antidote to the disease is beautifully woven into God’s design for your girl.
You go the extra mile to love your girl. Now find strong, Biblically-based people, so she can fall into the arms of friends that will last a lifetime.
Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay: