Seasons of change bring about “low tide opportunities”. As the water line peels back when the seas are at low tide, it reveals all that lay underneath. From abandoned structures to piles of barnacle-covered driftwood, the raw truth surfaces.
Summer’s shift in routine bears the added gift of evaluation. Once calendar activities subside, consider your family’s opportunity for taking spiritual inventory. Even if you find that the raw truth isn’t so pretty, through humble prayer and the Lord’s guidance, you can clean off the chaos and scrape down the excess that previously held you back.
The clean heart promised in Hebrews 10:22 echoes God’s yearning for us to be made complete and healed in His Kingdom. After a low-tide season, you and your girl can jump back into your routines fresh, clean, and NEW!
Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay:
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