Why “The Talk” Goes on One Topic at a Time

…God will use these teaching opportunities as you go through your daily life to glorify Himself in her journey. Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay: https://americanheritagegirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/AHG-The-Talk.wav…


…it chooses to build a relationship. AHG seeks to build relationships with organizations that offer excellent resources which parents and volunteers can use to enhance AHG’s six Program Emphases and…


…old. It’s an answer to the struggle parents have in raising their daughters. Why? Because everything about AHG is rooted in Jesus. AHG isn’t simply about girl power; AHG is…

Statement of Faith

…welfare of others. Stewardship–God calls us to use our God-given time, talents, and money wisely. Integrity–God calls us to live moral lives that demonstrate an inward motivation to do what…