Raising Godly Girls Podcast Episode 192 — When Your Family’s Expectations Don’t Look Like Her Friend’s

Raising Godly Girls Podcast
Episode 192

When Your Family’s Expectations Don’t Look Like Her Friend’s

As parents, we’ve all heard it before: “But my friend doesn’t have to do this!” Whether it’s chores, curfews, or household responsibilities, our daughters will inevitably compare their family expectations to those of their peers. In a culture that often prioritizes convenience over character-building, how can we help our girls understand that responsibility isn’t just about getting tasks done—it’s about shaping who they’re becoming? 

This week on the Raising Godly Girls Podcast, we’re diving into the theme of adulting—those crucial life skills that set our daughters up for success. Rachael and Melissa discuss why family responsibilities matter, even when they don’t feel “fair,” and how biblical wisdom can help us stay the course. We’ll explore Proverbs 31:27, which highlights the virtue of diligence and care within the home, and share practical ways to make family expectations a foundation for future leadership and service. 

Plus, we’ll hear a Raising Godly Girls Minute from AHG Founder & Executive Director Patti Garibay, who reminds us that childhood chores are more than just tasks—they’re essential training grounds for maturity, capability, and godly confidence. 

If you’ve ever wrestled with the tension between setting high expectations and responding to your daughter’s comparisons, this episode will encourage you to stand firm, knowing that the work you’re doing today will bless her in the future. 

Subscribe now and join us as we navigate the journey of raising responsible, faith-filled young women—one intentional conversation at a time. 

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American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls is the premier national character development organization for young women that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement. AHG is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.