Raising Godly Girls Podcast Episode 179 — Modeling Healthy Body Image for Your Daughter

Raising Godly Girls Podcast
Episode 179

Modeling Healthy Body Image for Your Daughter

How can moms shape their daughters’ perceptions of body image in a culture fraught with comparisons and unrealistic expectations? In this episode of the Raising Godly Girls Podcast, co-hosts Rachael and Melissa explore the profound influence moms have on their daughters’ views of physical appearance and self-worth. Together, they discuss how modeling a healthy body image—rooted in the truth of God’s Word—can set a foundation of confidence and self-compassion for the next generation. 

Rachael and Melissa share practical tips for fostering a Christ-centered perspective on body image. They dive into actionable ways to celebrate the unique beauty and value God has given each of us, while addressing the heart issues behind negative self-perception. You’ll hear stories of vulnerability, wisdom gleaned from personal experiences, and insights on the power of speaking truth into the lies of body dissatisfaction. 

With a focus on Scripture, the hosts emphasize the importance of embracing God’s design for our bodies, rejecting cultural pressures, and stewarding our physical health with gratitude. You’ll also hear a Raising Godly Girls Minute from American Heritage Girls Founder & Executive Director Patti Garibay, who offers hope-filled strategies for helping girls combat negative body image with truth and grace. 

Whether your daughter is a little girl or a young woman, this episode will inspire and equip you to engage her in meaningful conversations about body image. Learn how to model self-respect, gratitude, and Godly confidence—because your influence matters more than you realize. 

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American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls is the premier national character development organization for young women that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement. AHG is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.