Raising Godly Girls Podcast Episode 089 — Discerning When Your Girl is Slipping into Sin

Raising Godly Girls Podcast
Episode 089

Discerning When Your Girl is Slipping into Sin

Welcome back to the Raising Godly Girls Podcast, where insightful conversations guide parents in raising daughters rooted in faith amidst today’s challenges. In this episode, hosts Rachael and Natalie delve into the crucial topic of recognizing when a daughter may be slipping into sin and how parents can respond with grace and wisdom. 

The hosts start by reflecting on their childhood experiences with temptation, sharing anecdotes that illustrate the importance of understanding the roots of sin. Drawing from Biblical wisdom and personal stories, they explore the concept of discernment and its role in identifying signs of sinful behavior in daughters. 

Throughout the episode, they emphasize the significance of addressing these issues with compassion and grace. They highlight the resources and support available through American Heritage Girls, emphasizing the importance of fostering a community grounded in faith. 

Listeners are invited to join the discussion on navigating the delicate balance of discernment and grace in guiding daughters toward a life of faith, integrity, and spiritual growth. Tune in to the Raising Godly Girls Podcast for more empowering discussions and practical insights to support parents on their journey of raising daughters who are strong, confident, and rooted in faith. 

Find an American Heritage Girls Troop near you, visit americanheritagegirls.org 

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American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls is the premier national character development organization for young women that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement. AHG is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.