Raising Godly Girls Podcast Episode 075 — Fostering the Daddy/Daughter Connection with Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield (The Dad Whisperer Podcast)

Raising Godly Girls Podcast
Episode 075

Fostering the Daddy/Daughter Connection with Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield (The Dad Whisperer Podcast)

In this special Father’s Day weekend edition of the Raising Godly Girls Podcast, weekend host Patti Garibay welcomes Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield, a national speaker, licensed professional counselor, and founder of The Abba Project. Dr. Canfield has dedicated her life to strengthening the father-daughter bond, and today she shares her invaluable insights on how fathers can deeply influence their daughters’ holistic development, self-esteem, and future relationships. 

Dr. Canfield discusses the crucial role of a father’s presence and involvement in shaping a girl’s spiritual and emotional growth, and provides practical steps for fathers to actively engage in their daughters’ lives. She also elaborates on how a strong father-daughter relationship can positively impact a girl’s ability to navigate challenges and foster healthy romantic relationships in the future. 

Tune in to hear compelling reasons why fathers play a unique and irreplaceable role in their daughters’ lives, and how society can better appreciate and support this vital relationship. Don’t miss this heartfelt and informative conversation designed to encourage and equip fathers in their journey of raising godly girls. 

For more information on Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield and her podcast “The Dad Whisperer,” visit drmichellewatson.com. 

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American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls is the premier national character development organization for young women that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement. AHG is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.