No Boys Allowed…Every Once in a While

When’s the last time your daughter was surrounded by the company of just girls? For some, it almost never happens! Maybe she has brothers, boys in her school classes, or boys on her gymnastics team—whatever her scenario, it’s important to realize that time spent surrounded by just other girls is crucial in your daughter’s development.

By participating in programs created around their specific needs in a space where they are the sole focus, girls are able to thrive. Just as girls-only schools are found to improve the quality of girl performance, both academically and socially, girl-centric programming gives girls the opportunity to grow in a healthy and sustainable way.

Put simply, boys and girls are different. When we focus on the needs of our daughters, and give them the attention in the way that best suits their needs, they thrive. So say it with me: ‘no boys allowed!’ at least every once in a while…

Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay:


2 responses to “No Boys Allowed…Every Once in a While

  1. Are men (fathers etc) allowed to be a part of troop leadership and routine meetings or is it also women only?

    1. Great question Jenn. Adult Membership in AHG is open to both men and women who qualify as members (agree to the Statement of Faith, pass a background check, approved by the Troop’s Charter Representative, etc.) Men, especially our AHG Dads, have so much to offer in the environment of faith, service, and fun that AHG awards to girls!

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About the Author

American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls is the premier national character development organization for young women that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement. AHG is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.