When you instruct your daughter to do something—empty the dishwasher, clean the bathroom, take the homework folder out of her backpack—how many times does it take her to listen and follow through? As a mom, I know it can feel limitless!
More often than not, your daughter doesn’t hear you because she is distracted —too caught up in whatever she’s doing to hear you, a real-live physical person in the room making noise and speaking directly. Imagine how God must feel in these instances of distraction!
Because we can’t see God, we have a bad habit of ignoring Him in our daily life. Re-direct your girl toward intentional, God-seeking time. Consider how silent time or simply device-free time can provide room for an unseen God to become the main focus in her life!
Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay:
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