In Friendship, Choose Alignment Over Agreement

When guiding your girl toward healthy friends, it can be tempting to say, “Just choose girls who have the same likes as you.” While initial compatibility can attract them in the early stages of friendship, as they bond over time, she might find that shallow roots pull up quickly when they disagree over something.  

From mutual friends to borrowing clothes, your girl needs to learn how to navigate friendships that will go the long-haul. Offer her the alignment idea rather than agreement. Agreements come and go, like opinions and favorite colors. But when her values align with her friends, they have space to DISagree—but they do not abandon one another.  

 This Proverb offers lasting wisdom to your girl’s lifelong friendships: “A friend loves at all times, and a sister is born of adversity.” 

Proverbs 17:17 

Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay:


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American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls is the premier national character development organization for young women that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement. AHG is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.