In movies, it’s common for a character to walk into a small town greeted by stares and even a direct “You’re not from around here, are ya?” from a local. Has your girl ever experienced this hot seat moment? Embarrassed while visiting a new youth group for the first time or introducing herself to an exclusive clique of friends?
Christians are accustomed to this “other” feeling—after all, we are foreigners, exiles in this world. God’s purpose for us is to bear His Image. 1 Peter 2:11-12 reminds us that we WILL be set apart naturally by our actions. How we live will directly reflect God to a lost and sinful world. They may not embrace us—in fact they probably WON’T—but God recognizes His Light shining through us.
Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay: