Emerge From Winter Darkness into Springtime Fresh Perspective

Springtime never disappoints. New life shoots through the earth and manifests in budding trees, flowering plants, and so much sunshine! Coming out of the darkness of winter is both a physical and an emotional process. Sometimes kids can get stuck in the dark “winter” of their feelings.  

Spring is a great time to get your daughter outdoors, into the transformative light of the sun and breathing fresh air. Whether she has cabin fever or is just feeling a bit down, experiencing God’s creation up close might be just the thing to raise her spirits.  

Try taking a walk together, beginning and ending with some deep breathing exercises. Stop along the way and read a favorite verse. Capture a moment with a photo that you both can cherish for years to come. 

Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay:


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American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls is the premier national character development organization for young women that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement. AHG is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.