Ecclesiastes’ Wisdom Transforms Meaningless to Meaningful

Does your girl ever feel beat down by life’s daily struggles? Issues with friends, school, and her siblings can be defeating.  

Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes, a book chock-full of wisdom, towards the end of his life. The reader gets a sense that he is feeling glum and smug and that everything is meaningless. What we know is that everything can seem meaningless UNTIL we understand that Jesus transforms our hearts, minds, and bodies. It is within this transformation that everything becomes meaningful and perfect for its time. 

Gently instruct your girl to hold to the work God has for her and to find beauty and meaning in the midst of struggle. There is purpose to life and it is found in knowing God and keeping His commandments. 

Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay:


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American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls is the premier national character development organization for young women that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement. AHG is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.