Carve Out Time for Your Girl to Spend Near Water

We all know the benefits of getting outside—better mood, lower stress levels, and physical wellness. If you’re looking for a way to maximize your family’s time outside, find some water! Studies show that seeing water for just 20 minutes can lower your heart rate and blood pressure while increasing feelings of relaxation. All those beach nappers know that calming feeling all too well! 

God’s earthly creation is about 71% water, so find some near you! Plan a trip to the beach, an afternoon at the lake, a hike to a stream, or spend an hour fishing in a local pond. Whatever the source, be intentional with this waterfront time.  

Scripture often points to water as a pure, Godly resource. Carve out time with your girl to seek some mind, body, and spirit rejuvenation at the water’s edge. 

Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay:

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American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls is the premier national character development organization for young women that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement. AHG is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.