As the weather outside heats up, so does your girl’s sweaty-factor. Kids NEED lots of play time under the sun; but a little-known issue occurs with every drop of sweat on her brow—dehydration. She might come in panting and happy, but unable to make sense in conversation. Rather than a snack bar, get her lots of water, STAT.
Our souls can get parched and dip in wisdom when we lack the needed saturation of the Living Water of Christ. If your family has set aside time together reading the Bible, praying, or worshiping together opting for another basketball practice or dance recital, you might notice an inability to live out the Fruit of the Spirit together.
In leading your girl, take the steps of spiritual triage when it’s clear soul dehydration threatens her healthy faith.
Galatians 5:22-23
Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay: