American Heritage Girls Presents “Raising Godly Girls”


American Heritage Girls (AHG) has tapped into its nearly 30-year history of developing programming and working with thousands of girls and families across the country to launch a Christian parenting resource platform called Raising Godly Girls.

Raising Godly Girls offers parents, educators, and faith community leaders a series of tools, resources, and Scripture-based advice to assist in raising girls after God’s own heart.

The Raising Godly Girls Blog is a compliment to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay, Founder and Executive Director of American Heritage Girls, which airs on Christian radio stations nationwide.

American Heritage Girls (AHG) has been a safe space for character and leadership development for girls ages 5 to 18 for three decades. The AHG Program helps girls to grow in their faith, cultivate a heart for service, enjoy the great outdoors, and have fun while learning who they are and Whose they are in Christ.

Please subscribe to keep up with these inspiring articles to help you raise your girl after God’s own heart. Announcements about upcoming resources will also be shared here! Do you have a topic you’d love to have covered by Raising Godly Girls? Leave a comment below!


7 responses to “American Heritage Girls Presents “Raising Godly Girls”

    1. Hi Sherri! You found it! Check out for all the blog posts and the corresponding Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay audio clips. Happy reading!

  1. Would love to know more about how to start a group. I do not think we have one close. We live in smaller town in Columbia, KY.
    thank you

  2. How do I acquire a physical copy of your book? I don’t like reading things on electronics.

    1. We don’t have physical copies available yet, but we hope to in the future! For now, our e-books are formatted for easy home printing on 8.5×11″ paper!

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About the Author

American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls is the premier national character development organization for young women that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement. AHG is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.