A Raising Godly Girls Guide to Caring for Creation


A Raising Godly Girls Guide
to Caring for Creation


As parents, raising our daughters with a strong Biblical Worldview is essential, especially in today’s world where environmental issues are front and center. The Raising Godly Girls Guide to Caring for Creation helps you teach your girl to care for the earth in a way that honors God. While culture often focuses on the environment, it rarely acknowledges the Creator behind it. This guide equips you to guide your daughter in balancing environmental advocacy with faith, empowering her to engage in important conversations with purpose—rooted in Biblical truth, not in the shifting tides of political and cultural trends.


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Can’t wait to dive in?
Enjoy an excerpt from the e-book, a letter from Patti Garibay, American Heritage Girls Founder & Executive Director and Host of the Raising Godly Girls Minute and Raising Godly Girls Podcast:


Dear reader,

As we consider the world we live in today, the need for a Biblical perspective on environmental stewardship is more crucial than ever. In 2022, the Pew Research Center released data on how religion intersects with Americans’ views on the environment, particularly Christian beliefs. The findings were worthy of a pause for concern:

  • “While 58% of Americans believe that Holy Scripture contains lessons about the environment, the interpretation of those lessons reveals a gap in understanding.”
  • “Two-thirds of respondents (66%) said that God gave humans a duty to protect and care for the Earth, including its plants and animals.”
  • “Yet, a smaller majority (54%) also said God gave humans the right to use the Earth for humanity’s benefit—and nearly half (48%) hold both views.”

Yikes! It appears that only half of Christians in our country have cracked open a Bible to learn God’s truth about our role as stewards of His creation. These findings reveal that many Christians lack a solid Biblical Worldview, and this disconnect is deeply troubling. The Church today faces a challenge—instilling a proper understanding of creation care that begins with the Creator Himself.

First and foremost, we must instill in our girls a deep desire to never lose sight of our greatest responsibility: sharing the gospel and saving souls. While environmental stewardship is important, we are called to worship the Creator, not the creation. It’s the Great Commission that commands us to go and make disciples, and that’s our ultimate priority. The sanctity of life and the creation of mankind in God’s image is what made creation “very good” (Genesis 1:31). The sticker on my laptop—featuring a baby panda holding a sign that reads “save the baby humans”—is a constant reminder to me (and those I work with!) of our priorities as Christians.

At American Heritage Girls®, we are committed to raising Godly girls with a firm understanding of Biblical Truths. Teaching environmental stewardship through this lens is essential. We are called to care for the earth, but more importantly, to reflect God’s glory in doing so. I pray that this guide equips you with the tools to instill a love for God’s creation in the girls you lead, while keeping their focus on what truly matters—sharing the gospel and glorifying the Creator in all we do.

In His service,

Patti Garibay
Founder & Executive Director of American Heritage Girls
Host of the Raising Godly Girls Minute & the Raising Godly Girls Podcast


PS: Raising Godly Girls® is a culmination of nearly 30 years of building women of integrity through American Heritage Girls (AHG), the premier character and leadership development program for girls 5 to 18. Whether you’re a parent, a pastor, an educator, or a volunteer for a youth-serving organization like AHG, this guide is for you. If you like what you read here, be sure to visit us online and learn more about empowering girls through the love of God at raisinggodlygirls.com.





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About the Author

American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls is the premier national character development organization for young women that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement. AHG is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.