As a parent, seeing your child heartbroken can leave you feeling helpless. Whether she got cut from the field hockey team or broken up with, seeing your daughter’s sweet spirit get crushed is never easy.
The shortest verse in the Bible (in English!) is John 11:35—do you know it? It reads, “Jesus wept.” Jesus’s grief over losing His friend Lazarus must have been difficult for the Father to see. Loss can be shattering. But this reality of a heartbroken Jesus can serve as a powerful reminder of resiliency.
In the wake of a loss, guide your girl toward new activities like exercising at home or hanging with friends. While she won’t be able to raise Lazarus from the dead and cure her grief the way Jesus did, there is value in understanding that life goes on.
Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay: