Moms, if you’re jamming in the minivan to some 90s Christian music, you know how awesome it feels to let loose—windows down, music pouring out, while rolling down the highway! Your girl likely has her favorite jams too—but you might not jive with the lyrics or artists. It’s true that historically Christians have loosened their values to fuse themselves into the artistic works of the world, what if your girl’s generation flipped the script?
Christians are God’s image-bearers, meaning your girl is called to be a culture-maker rather than a culture-responder. Whether she’s a musician, photographer, fashion designer, or writer—as a Christian your girl can bring heaven to earth without sacrificing her identity in Christ. Anchor your girl to change her world through the art God created her to make!
Psalm 150:3-5, Exodus 31:1-5
Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay: