Raising Godly Girls Podcast Episode 186 — Aligning a Parent’s Courage to a Godly Girl’s

Raising Godly Girls Podcast
Episode 186

Aligning a Parent’s Courage to a Godly Girl’s

As parents, we often want to shelter our daughters from risks and challenges. But what happens when God calls them into unfamiliar territory—places that make us feel uneasy or even unprepared to let go? On today’s Raising Godly Girls episode, Rachael and Natalie engage in a thoughtful conversation about aligning a parent’s courage with a Godly girl’s calling. 

Drawing from personal experiences, Rachael and Natalie reflect on the pushback they faced when stepping out in faith as young women and the lessons they carry now as parents. Together, they explore the tension parents may feel when God nudges their daughters toward bold Kingdom work—sometimes in ways that challenge the parents’ own comfort zones. Through Scripture, prayer, and practical wisdom, they encourage parents to recognize that God often uses these moments to grow not just the girl, but the entire family in faith. 

Patti Garibay’s Raising Godly Girls Minute emphasizes that leadership is not limited by age: “Girls—even young girls—can lead others in their example of a Christlike life.” Natalie and Rachael unpack this powerful truth and discuss how to foster your daughter’s spiritual confidence by affirming her God-given gifts, regardless of age or circumstance. 

If you’ve ever struggled with fear or doubt when your daughter steps out in faith, this episode offers hope, encouragement, and practical steps to surrender that fear to God. Join us as we explore how to joyfully embrace the adventure of trusting God with your daughter’s future, praying for eyes to see His path, and learning to walk in rhythm with His leading—together. Let’s raise Godly girls who courageously impact the Kingdom today and every day forward. 

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American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls is the premier national character development organization for young women that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement. AHG is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.