Raising Godly Girls Podcast Episode 092 — How to Prepare Your Girl for Spiritual Growth in the New School Year

Raising Godly Girls Podcast
Episode 092

How to Prepare Your Girl for Spiritual Growth in the New School Year

In this episode of the Raising Godly Girls Podcast, hosts Rachael and Melissa cover the essential topic of preparing girls for spiritual growth as they embark on a new school year. Rachael opens the episode by highlighting the significance of making intentional choices in education, emphasizing the freedom and responsibility that comes with it. She invites listeners to revisit the previous episode for additional insights on the broader theme of school-related decisions. 

Melissa and Rachael share personal anecdotes to underscore that spiritual discipleship extends beyond the confines of school, whether it be homeschooling, public schooling, or attending a Christian school. Rachael recounts a friend’s bold decision to switch her son from a Christian to a public school, driven by a desire to take a more active role in his spiritual upbringing. This story serves as a reminder that, regardless of the educational setting, parents remain the primary influencers in their children’s faith formation. 

Melissa reflects on Patti’s wisdom in a Raising Godly Girls Minute, resonating with the notion that while the days of parenting can be long, the years are fleeting. She stresses the need for parents to stay engaged, even when life feels overwhelming. Rachael adds that regardless of the schooling choice, parents must actively supplement their children’s education with Biblical instruction and worldview formation. She shares her family’s experience with Christian schooling, where they focus on applying Biblical knowledge at home. 

The hosts discuss practical ways to incorporate spiritual habits into the new school year. Rachael suggests integrating faith into daily routines, such as morning devotionals or Bible podcasts during commutes. Melissa echoes this sentiment, encouraging parents to identify areas where their daughters need additional Biblical guidance and to maintain open lines of communication with them. 

Rachael and Melissa highlight the role of American Heritage Girls (AHG) in supporting spiritual growth. AHG offers a structured environment for girls to experience God’s love and for families to engage in faith formation together.  


Find an American Heritage Girls Troop near you, visit americanheritagegirls.org  

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American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls is the premier national character development organization for young women that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement. AHG is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.