Imagine: your girl comes home from school with a furrowed brow. She mumbles then silently retreats to her room closing the door. You’re multitasking dinner, phone calls, and helping her brother with a knotted shoelace. Later she comes out ready to tell you her stresses—a class presentation tomorrow and she’s petrified. Though you’re distracted and stressed yourself, push pause.
Avoid the temptation to say things like “It’ll be fine” and “Most people hate public speaking, so you’re not alone.” While well-meaning, these platitudes often land as shallow sentiments on your girl’s heart rather than addressing the complexity of what she’s feeling.
God hears us in our struggles, so acknowledge her too. Then leverage the evening to help her prepare with lots of positive reinforcement building her confidence and connection with you.
Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay: