As we approach the summer months, the media will start its annual campaign on “how to get a beach body”. Girls will soon be inundated with magical skinny teas and supplements, new “it” diets, and plenty of body shaming. Be her first line of defense against these harmful messages—studies show that the way a girl perceives how her mom feels about her body is the first predisposition of body shame.
The anxiety, self-hatred, and destruction that comes from body shaming is not the relationship that God calls us to have with our bodies. Instead, we should strive for healthy nourishment. After all, we are each His creation—fearfully and wonderfully made.
So ditch the harmful body shaming and instead, embark on a quest toward full-circle health—balance in body, mind, and spirit.
Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay: