Doing it for the ‘gram

…so you can snap a photo and post about it online for the world to see. The rivalry for likes and comments on social media is trickling over into how…

When an Ad Sparks a Much Deeper Conversation

…land on your girl’s screen? First, don’t panic. Beyond the actionable measure of blocking the ad, have a chat with your girl. Define those strategically confusing terms. Peel back the…

Who Does Your Daughter Imitate?

…still learning and mimicking. Who is it that your girl imitates most often? Is it a sibling, a friend, an online influencer? Ephesians 5:1 calls us to be “imitators of…

Why a “Glow Up” Isn’t Just for Outward Beauty

There’s a trend online where girls share pictures from their childhood, typically sporting goofy outfits or unfortunate hairstyles, and then pictures from today where they celebrate their beautiful “transformation” in…