Ministry Leaders



“I recommend American Heritage Girls enthusiastically to parents who want their daughters involved in a traditional, Christian-based program that will reinforce what they are trying to teach at home.”

– Dr. James Dobson, Founder and President, Family Talk and The James Dobson Family Institute





“I’m convinced that AHG is a genuine building block in recapturing the American character… Each Troop provides a safe environment in which girls can develop their skills, learn how to serve in their community, and that’s where girls learn how to work as a team, how to build good relationships and to grow strong spiritually as they’re taught Biblical principles from the word of God. And it’s those Biblical principles which ultimately build the character that is so necessary in the life of a young woman.”

– Joni Eareckson-Tada, Author, Speaker, and Founder of Joni and Friends



“They do address all the ethnic communities knowing that there’s only one human race. And so any little girl, no matter what her background happens to be, can find the delight of girlhood while she’s learning character traits that she’s going to need. That’s very encouraging to me.”

– Dr. Alveda C. King, Director, African-American Outreach



“I love that American Heritage Girls is teaching girls to serve. Serving God, serving family, serving community, serving our country… teaching these girls not to be ‘me’-focused but to be others-focused and to get out there and to serve the community, and that’s going to have a tremendous long-term impact for decades and decades.”

– Dannah Gresh, Author, Speaker, and Founder of Pure Freedom and Secret Keeper Girl


Church Leaders


American Heritage Girls, if people do not know about it, they have got to get their church involved. […] The benefits are beyond our imagination. [AHG] is not an alternative to [other scouting programs], it is a completely Christ-centered, absolutely Spirit-filled ministry.”

Jack Hibbs, Senior Pastor, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills




“The AHG Troop at DaySpring Community Church in Clinton, MS has been an absolute Godsend.  We started modestly, but before long, dozens upon dozens of families wanted to participate in this godly alternative for a girls’ scouting experience.  Awards are given regularly for service hours and that alone is worthy of parents wanting their girls to participate. But the AHG Program goes far beyond that.  The badges, the camping experiences, the group camaraderie, the spiritual dimension…it all adds up to one great program that Christian families absolutely love. We are proud to have AHG at our church. It reflects our core value of service and holiness, and it changes lives. ”

– Matt Friedeman, Senior Pastor, DaySpring Community Church


“We saw an opportunity to move to American Heritage Girls (from Girl Scouts USA), which we think works much better in terms of what we’re trying to do in terms of forming disciples for Jesus Christ. It’s very Christ-centered. It holds up the same virtues we’re trying to promote with young women, and it gives them life skills and leadership skills.”

– Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas


“American Heritage Girls has served families in our community well as they seek to develop godly young ladies for the glory of the Lord Jesus. Through a balance of Bible teaching and life-skills, the girls are growing more and more in the image of Christ. The Troop has blessed our church in many ways as well. They have been a positive role model for our community. Also several of their community projects have involved our church or church grounds. As a church, we have also gained (the) opportunity to impact families beyond AHG by providing a church home where individuals and families can serve the Lord and grow in Christ. I am grateful to AHG for their continual impact upon our community.

– Mark Miller, Pastor,  Oak Ridge Church


“When we first decided to make American Heritage Girls a part of our children’s outreach and discipleship ministry, we saw an almost overwhelming response form the neighborhoods and communities in our area. We are a small church of 120 members, but we struck a chord with our community and 80 girls immediately enrolled in the AHG Program. We are busy today, striving to teach these girls the wonders of the gospel and lead them to a deeper faith in Christ. In addition to serving the girls, God has also provided us numerous opportunities to minster to their families as well. We’re thankful to God for the organization and resources AHG provides, helping us bring the gospel to our community.

– Aaron Garber, Pastor, Calvin Presbyterian


“I believe that American Heritage Girls is superior to other programs like it… it just serves in the church and fits perfectly–has not been a challenge at all for us, we’re glad to have American Heritage Girls.”

– Dr. Bob Mahaffey, District Superintendent, Southwestern Ohio District Church of the Nazarene

AHG Girls & Parents

“I think AHG has really made me the leader that I am, the more outspoken person that I am… through school, they don’t teach that kind of stuff necessarily.”

– Nikki, Patriot, Stars & Stripes Award Recipient


“I am especially passionate about fighting for the rights of the unborn. Through my project, I was able to benefit a wonderful organization that assists pregnant women in crisis. I feel that God has influenced me greatly in this area, and I hope that one day, I will be able to help the pro-life movement even more.”

-Allison, Stars & Stripes Award Recipient


“With American Heritage Girls, my daughter has blossomed into a kind and God-loving young lady. She’s made and kept so many wonderful friends through AHG who share her faith.”

–Michele, AHG Mom


“The girls I bonded with going through the toughest years of adolescence still provide me with unfailing support and friendship. These friendships were forged over learning to scale rock faces, tie boat knots, and understand thoroughly the history of our flag.”

– Maggie, Stars & Stripes Award Recipient


“I once heard it said that there are two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle or everything is. I definitely belong to the second group. . .  One of the biggest miracles I’ve ever experienced was finding AHG. My sister and I were introduced to the program through a church friend. I instantly connected with several girls my age, most of whom I’m still friends with today—10 years later! One of the first miracles I experienced in the program was finding leaders who were willing to mentor me throughout my entire time there. These amazing women of faith helped my confidence grow in ways I never thought possible by challenging me not to think of the things I couldn’t do as well as others, and focus instead on the things I could do better than others.”

– Emily, Stars & Stripes Award Recipient


“To me, Christianity is a relationship, not (just) a religion. I want my relationship with Christ to grow more and more so that I can become the person He created me to be.”

– Katelyn, Stars & Stripes Award Recipient

About AHG

American Heritage Girls (AHG) was founded by a group of parents wanting a faith-based, scout-type character development program for their daughters in 1995. Our program is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.

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