When an Ad Sparks a Much Deeper Conversation

If your girl is online, whether on social media, video streaming, or search engines, she’s seeing advertisements. So, how do you respond when ads for “reproductive healthcare” or “gender-affirming care”…

A Raising Godly Girls Guide to Resilience

…Toughness. Whatever you call it, part of helping grow a Godly girl into a woman of integrity is establishing resilience. Resiliency is a popular word in parenting circles. In my…

Develop a Plan for Responding to a Bully

Bullying is an issue that continues to plague girls today. Whether it is orchestrated online or in-person, bullying can have lasting effects on the receiver. It’s crucial for parents to…

Parent Your Christian Kid to Choose Kindness

Today’s world seems fraught with unkind words from cable news to online conversations. This decline in civility can be confusing to your girl. Uncharitable words and inconsiderate phrasing can cut…

Doing it for the ‘gram

…so you can snap a photo and post about it online for the world to see. The rivalry for likes and comments on social media is trickling over into how…