Teaching Her to Put Actions to Her Dreams

…set goals to get there. It can be easy to fall into the trap of “just letting God.” “Just letting God” provide financial health without ever creating a budget. “Just…

Childlike Faith That Will Lead the Way

…of the gospel. Whether it’s reading the Bible in school, sharing her love for Jesus with friends, or following a Christ-centered moral compass in front of her peers, your girl…

Charter Organizations

…there a need for a program like this in our community? Are there girls in our community who need wholesome leadership and character development opportunities? Does our ministry agree to…

Beware the Rut of the Self-Centered Holiday

Is your daughter getting caught up in the commercial-side of Christmas? It’s easy to get wrapped up in the balsam-scented sparkle of it all! But we know there is so…

Responsibility Bites the Blame Game

…would rival some of the world’s wealthiest corporations. It’s easy to joke about kids constantly playing the blame game, but might there be a more serious issue at hand? So…