Getting on the Same Page As Your Daughter

…hand gesture challenge is a silly reminder that parents and kids see the world in different ways, resulting in some seriously dissimilar understandings. In moments of disobedience it’s easy for

Does Your Daughter Idolize Material Things?

…since the beginning of time. It’s easy to recognize the false worship of something like a giant cow statue—harder though, to recognize our false worship of other, non-material things. Could…

Your Daughter’s Perception of Social Media Highlight Reels

…else’s highlight reel. Instead, she can freely walk out the life that Christ has crafted just for her. Listen to the Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay:  …

How to Parent a People Pleaser

Have you ever heard of the “Disease to Please?” It’s something that’s easy for girls in today’s culture to fall prey to. Obsessing about what others think and denying one’s…